Eisenmenger Syndrome Treatment Varies From Patient To Patient Depending On The Severity And Symptoms Of Their Condition
Eisenmenger Syndrome Treatment

Eisenmenger syndrome is a long-term cardiac condition that typically affects teenagers and young adults as a result of various congenital (present at birth) heart problems (usually left heart-to-right heart shunts). When a kid is born with a hole between two heart chambers or another defect that increases blood flow to the lungs, it may lead to the development of high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension). As a result, the blood arteries narrow, eventually harming the heart. When the pressure in the lung blood arteries is high enough, the blood flow reverses, resulting in mixed blood that is both oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor leaving the body and insufficient blood reaching the lungs to be oxygenated.

The objectives of Eisenmenger Syndrome Treatment are to lower pulmonary artery pressure, enhance oxygenation, and lessen cyanosis/increased red blood cells. Based on symptoms, medical care may involve medication, oxygen therapy, or phlebotomy (in which some of the blood is removed and replaced with fluid). When alternative treatments fail, a heart-lung transplant may be considered.

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