Benefits of Cyber Security for your Business
Northstar Limited offers a fully managed Cyber Security Service that produces monthly reports while reducing the impact of cyber-attacks. We also provide Cyber Essentials Certifications and anti-virus software which is essential for businesses. Visit our website to learn more.

Cyber Security

Cyber threats are on the rise, and businesses of all sizes risk a potential cyber breach. Furthermore, the global pandemic has given cybercriminals the perfect opportunity to exploit network vulnerabilities. So, decision-makers cannot afford to ignore cyber security

Cyber security is a broad term, including the technologies, processes and practices put in place to protect against cyberattacks attempting to inflict harm on a network system or data.

Cyber security solutions can include anti-virus, firewall, anti-malware, automated monitoring, cyber-security protocols and best practices. Investing in these kinds of cyber security has many benefits for your business. Here are the top six benefits of cyber security for your business.

Protect networks and data from unauthorised access

The primary purpose of cyber security solutions is to protect your business and employees from cyber-attacks. With the right cyber security tools, your data and networks are safe, for example, IPS and IDS (Intrusion Protection and Detection Systems). These technologies monitor your network or systems for malicious activity. Any intrusion activity is typically reported to an administrator or collected centrally using a security information and event management system.

Less risk of financial loss

If cybercriminals breach your network or steal data, it can have sizable financial ramifications for your business. They will either steal your passwords to access your bank accounts or encrypt data and withhold network access in return for a ransom. Protect your network and data from cybercriminals by investing in cyber security. For example, Bitdefender restoring and encryption technology. 
Bitdefender creates automatic, up-to-date tamperproof backup copies of user files without using shadow copies. It is hands-free protection, with nothing for the user to do. The Ransomware Mitigation identifies, whenever possible, new ransomware attempts to encrypt files and automatically creates a backup of targeted files to restore after the malware is blocked. Ransomware can’t access these protected backup files because Bitdefender prevents all the processes involved in the attack and starts the file remediation while notifying the user.
The Bitdefender GravityZone Full Disk Encryption is a solution that helps companies comply with data regulations and prevents the loss of sensitive information in case of lost or stolen, or compromised devices. It encrypts data on desktop computers and laptops and gives you simple remote management of the encryption keys.

Peace of mind

The Bitdefender GravityZone Full Disk Encryption is a solution that helps companies comply with data regulations and prevents the loss of sensitive information in case of lost or stolen, or compromised devices. It encrypts data on desktop computers and laptops and gives you simple remote management of the encryption keys.
Once you have a robust cyber security plan in place, you can focus on what matters, like running your business. A lot of IT, good and bad, happens behind the scenes, and as a business owner, you cannot keep track of it alone. The key to peace of mind is using tools that allow visibility and an opaque picture of your security health.
We offer industry-leading tools that give you a clear view of your IT systems. For example, our Automated Support software can find and fix common IT faults automatically. Furthermore, the Bitdefender MDR (Managed Detection and Response) service combines cyber security for endpoints, plus network and security analytics, with the threat-hunting expertise of a SOC (Security Operations Center), staffed by security analysts from global intelligence agencies. Furthermore, at Northstar, we conduct monthly security meetings with you to ensure your business is on track with security. We discuss anything from technical to operational IT and plan how to make improvements.

Productivity and efficiency for IT staff 

A lack of investment in cyber security leads to inefficiencies. For example, manual threat hunting involves taking valuable time chasing and hunting after cyber-attacks. Instead, utilise a low-cost NOC (Network Operations Centre) to look at 1000s of log lines, and they can discover covert malicious activity for you. As a result, with better investment, your IT staff know what is happening in your systems and can focus on what matters, which increases productivity and efficiency.

Improved company credentials 

Focusing on cyber security can help you improve your company credentials, and achieving a cyber certification will improve your cyber security. If you take certifications like Cyber Essentials or ISO 27001, you can reassure stakeholders that you are serious about cyber security and their data is kept safe. These certifications include an external auditor providing questions for you to answer based on cyber security and best practices from companies of a similar nature to help you improve your cyber security.

Stakeholder trust

Practising good cyber security will build trust among your customers, employees and stakeholders around your brand. As a result, this can create new business opportunities and instil loyalty in your current customers. For example, some companies like Connectwise have a web page listing everything they are doing to improve security. As a result, creating visibility builds trust and confidence.

How can Northstar help you with Cyber security?

If you have concerns about cyber threats or the organisation of your cyber security, then contact Northstar today.