America’s failure in restoring peace in Afghanistan
America’s president Joe Biden has announced a complete withdrawal of American soldiers from Afghanistan’s soil. The announcement shall be executed by September 11, 2021, which marks the ever-haunting anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and would consequently mark the end of the longest war of America’s history. The President of America has made the announcement, on the basis of lack of purpose.

The former US President Donald Trump showed great confidence in bringing and sustaining peace in Afghanistan following the Intra-Afghan Peace Talks held in September 2020, in Qatar. While U.S. Defense Secretary Christopher C. Miller indicated the plans of withdrawal of American forces in 2020 in furtherance of Trump’s statementNATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned that withdrawal of troops would lead Afghanistan into becoming a haven of terrorists, reinstating Islamic Caliphate.
The predictions by NATO stood the test of time. Afghanistan is now vulnerable and aggrieved to increased Talibani insurgencies, resulting in a catastrophic first half of 2021.