Buy white striped SUNFLOWER SEEDS online - Pioneer Agro
Buy Sunflower Seeds Online

Buy white striped SUNFLOWER SEEDS online - Pioneer Agro

Pioneer Agro Industry is the leading online shop for all your kitchen gardening needs. Buy White Striped SunFlower seeds online from pioneer agro industries.

What is a Seed ball? 

The new normal in the 21st century has cultivated the awareness about Urban Gardening. We at Pioneer Agro Industry are here to guide you through your green journey. We synthesize grow bags that can fit into your terrace, balcony or verandah. Our innovative step towards the sustainable future is the seed balls made from charcoal and nutritious binders that are 100% natural. Our aim is to focus on cost efficient planting of the indigeneous plant species of India, to boost afforestation. Seed balls are coated with a layer of charcoal dust and nutritious binders such as eggs, wheat flour, cracker crumbs, oatmeal, rice, milk, evaporated milk, gelatin etc,.


There are predefined standards on where to throw a seed ball. The seed balls must be thrown in the areas that can conserve moisture. They must be away from the reach of wildlife and livestock. The seed balls require a controlled microhabitat for their germination. Development of vacant lands can be encouraged by carrying out plantations through seed balls. In case of conservation areas asking prior permission from the land owners is necessary. And places subjected to imminent development planting seed balls is not encouraged. The last but not the least thing is to make sure that you plant seed balls in accordance with their natural environment, that is the type of land that the tree species can thrive in.