How to pray al istikhara dua? | Rahman school
istikhara dua

How to pray istikhara dua? | Rahman school

Before answering how to pray istikhara dua?, Muslims resort to praying istikhara dua (arabic :دعاء الاستخارة )  if they hesitate about making decisions or are unsure between two choices.

istikhara duaa is a sunnah, it means Asking Allah to be right inspires us for choosing the good decision for us.

We make it to decide important decisions like marriage, work, business, and so on.

Istikhara dua is that dua we say at the prayer of salat al-istikhara. We pray two raka’at and say it after them, hoping to seek guidance from our Allah.

istikhara dua is a sunnah prayer of two raka’at like all sunnah prayers we pray.

1- Establish your intention or your (niat) as you will say “I intend to pray the sunnah prayer of istikhara two raka’at for allah”.

2- make or say takbirat-al-ihram.

3- praying two raka’at as we do in all sunnah prayers.

4- After salam, we say it’s dua as our prophet taught us.

Istikhara dua translation in English as:

A prophet said to us this dua,

“Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi’ilmeka Wa astaqdiruka biquadratic, wa as’aluka min fadlika al-Azeem, fa innaka-taqdeerwala yoqdar Alika,wata’alamu wala-a’alam, wa’anta all Amul-ghuyoobi, Allahumma in Kunta ta’lamu anna hatha’al  Amra (saying the thing you hesitated about) khayrun Lee fee deenee wa ma’asheh wa a’a gilihee wa ajilihi, Faqaderhu Lee wa yasserhu lee thumma baarik Lee feehi, wa’ in Kunta ta’lamu anna hath al-Amra Sharon Lee fee deenee wa ma’aashee wa a’a gilihee wa ajilihi, fasri fhu Anne wasrifnee ‘anhu waqadir loyal-khaira haythu kana thumma ardhinee bihi.


There is a short istikhara dua you may say it “Allahumma Akhtar Lee wala tokhayernee

Istikhara dua in English means; oh Allah, I seek the counsel of your knowledge, and I seek the help of your omnipotence, and I beseech you for your magnificent grace, you are surely capable and I’m not, you know and I don’t, you are the knower of the unseen,

Oh, Allah if you know that this thing or this matter (the thing you are hesitating about) is good for me in my religion and my life and for my welfare in the afterlife –

then ordain it for me and make it easy for me, then bless me in it. And if you know that this thing or matter is bad for me in my religion and my life and my welfare in the afterlife- then distance it from me,

and distance me from it, and ordain for me what is good wherever it may be, and help me to be satisfied with it,

whoever seeks the counsel of the creator will not regret it and whoever seeks the advice of the believers will feel satisfied with his decisions, Allah said in the Quran

“And consult them in the affair. Then when you have made a decision, put your trust in Allah.”

Istikhara dua translation in Arabic as the follows;

اللهم إني أستخيرك بعلمك، وأستقدرك بقدرتك، وأسألك من فضلك العظيم، فإنك وحدك تقدر ولا أقدر، وتعلم ولا أعلم، وأنت وحدك علام الغيوب، اللهم إن كنت تعلم أن هذا الأمر(ما تريد أن تستخير عنه) خير لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة أمري-عاجله و آجله- فاقدره لي ويسره لي ثم بارك لي فيه، وإن كنت تعلم أن هذا الأمر(ما تريد أن تستخير عنه) شر لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة أمري – عاجله وآجله – فاصرفه عني واصرفني عنه واقدر لي الخير حيث كان ثم أرضني به.

As we say, we make it when we are hesitant about making important decisions like marriage, tasks, and so on.

But, what is the best time to pray? The best time to make it and pray is at night, exactly the third part of the night before you sleep.

You pray two ra’akat as we mentioned before, at the first ra’aka it is preferred to recite surah al-kafiroon and surat al-ekhlas at the second ra’aka.

Hadith of Sahih al-Bukhari narrated by Abu-Huraira” prophet said when we at the last third part of the night, Allah, the blessed, the superior, descends every night at the nearest heaven of the world and call ‘ is there anybody who prays to me that I will respond to his calling, is there anybody who asks me for anything that I will give him what he asked, is there anybody who asking my forgiveness that I will forgive him”

You may need to pray it more than one time.

To make istikhara duaa you will make some steps:

“Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi’ilmeka Wa astaqdiruka biquadratic, wa as’aluka min fadlika al-Azeem, fa innaka-taqdeerwala yoqdar Alika,wata’alamu wala-a’alam, wa’anta allamul-ghuyoobi, Allahumma in Kunta ta’lamu anna hatha’al  Amra (saying the thing you hesitated about) khayrun Lee fee deenee wa ma’asheh wa a’a gilihee wa ajilihi, Faqaderhu Lee wa yasserhu lee thumma baarik Lee feehi, wa’ in Kunta ta’lamu anna hath al-Amra Sharon Lee fee deenee wa ma’aashee wa a’a gilihee wa ajilihi, fasri fhu Anne wasrifnee ‘anhu waqadir loyal-khaira haythu kana thumma ardhinee bihi”

Marriage is one of the important decisions that we must make istikhara for it, the person that he will marry must do this for himself not anybody else. The person makes it to ask Allah to make him choose the best for him.

After the person who will marry prays the two ra’akat of istikhara, then he or she read the dua I istikhara and till the name of the partner instead of haha al-Amra or this matter in the dua as

“Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi’ilmeka Wa astaqdiruka biquadratic, wa as’aluka min fadlika al-Azeem, fa innaka-taqdeerwala yoqdar Alika,wata’alamu wala-a’alam, wa’anta allamul-ghuyoobi, Allahumma in Kunta ta’lamu anna  (saying the name of the partner) khayrun Lee fee deenee wa ma’asheh wa a’a gilihee wa ajilihi, Faqaderhu Lee wa yasserhu lee thumma baarik Lee feehi, wa’ in Kunta ta’lamu anna (The name of partner ) Sharon Lee fee deenee wa ma’aashee wa a’a gilihee wa ajilihi, fasri fhu Anne wasrifnee ‘anhu waqadir loyal-khaira haythu kana thumma ardhinee bihi”

Then the person sleeps, waiting for the signs in their dreams, the person may not have signs from the first night, he or she must repeat it seven times every day and in shall ah you will see the signs.

Exactly there is no need for sleeping after it, it is considered an ablution. You must only face the qibla.

Dua can change your whole life, not only it. When a person makes salat istikhara  ( Arabic: صلاة الاستخارة ) for something and after that, he or she does not need this thing, no problem from saying dua ask from Allah to get this thing away.

istikhara dua is needed for every Muslim who is unsure to decide important things or hesitate to make a decision. Allah told us to pray for asking help from Allah to complete our needs as at surat al-Baqara “seek help in patience and prayer”

كما قال الله تعالى في سورة البقرة “واستعينوا بالصبر والصلاة”

Prayer is needed in all our lives to help us. Prayer of istikhara is very important for all Muslims as we seek help from Allah to choose the good things for us. if we need to make important decisions we should resort to praying to ask Allah to help us in choosing the good for us.

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