Best Kidney and Brain Clinic in Delhi
Best Neurologist and Nephrologist

Best Kidney and Brain Clinic in Delhi

The kidney and brain clinic is a super-specialist clinic run by Dr. Mudit Gupta (Nephrologist) and Dr. Garima S Gupta (Neurologist). Both the doctors are eminent clinicians with vast experience in their specialties. If you have a Kidney and Brain Related problem you can consult us and visit our clinic. We are providing No.1 treatment intending to save your kidneys and brain. After 14 years of practice and experience, we cure the entire kidney and brain-related problem. We are providing 24 hr Ambulatory BP monitoring
,NCV testingEMG TestingEEG TestingVEP Testing and All Type of Blood Test, and Urine Test.

Best Docters for Kidney and Brain Treatment.

Kidney and brain clinic is a super specialist clinic run by Dr. Mudit Gupta (Nephrologist) and Dr. Garima S Gupta (Neurologist). Both the doctors are eminent clinicians with vast experience in their specialties.

Procedures done at the clinic.


    24 hr Ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM)
    Nerve conduction studies (NCV)
    Electromyogram (EMG)
    Electroencephalogram (EEG)
    Evoked Potentials (VEP & BERA)