Surrogacy is an arrangement between an infertile couple and a woman who agrees to get pregnant through ART and where the embryo implanted in the woman is usually processed from the gametes of the infertile couple. This pregnancy is then continued and the child is delivered and handed over to the couple to whom she has agreed to become a surrogate.
How does surrogacy work?
Surrogacy has different meanings for each person it touches. For the to-be parents, it is a blessing to finally complete their beautiful family by realizing the long-cherished dream of parenthood. For surrogates, it is a lifetime opportunity to help a couple who needs a baby. Surrogacy is an incredible journey and a life-changing experience for both.
Surrogacy in Delhi
When a couple fails to conceive with other assisted reproductive technologies, they can go for surrogacy. There are many couples, who failed to have a child due to medical or sexual issues, which are not curable through other means. They can hire surrogate mothers, who can give birth to their babies with the help of assisted reproductive technology. Surrogate mothers can give birth to the child of the concerned couple either formed through their own gamete or by using donated sperms and eggs through IVF Treatment.
Surrogacy Process
In this procedure, the couple needs to hire a surrogate mother. The surrogate mother will get an embryo developed with the sperm and eggs of the couple, in her womb and will deliver it after it grows naturally. Couples having poor quality eggs or sperm can also go for donor eggs or sperm for surrogacy.
To begin the program, couples have to register with us. After registration, we provide a Gestational Surrogate for the treatment cycle of the couple. The best surrogate is a blood relative of the recipient mother. But there are couples, who are not able to find such surrogates. We help them to find surrogates, who are voluntarily ready to give their womb on hire to give birth to the couple’s baby. We recruit surrogates for our patients after thorough screening. We provide our patients with a suitable surrogate as per specifications provided by them.
We screen all the surrogates thoroughly. They undergo hormonal screening as well as screening for infectious diseases. We also check them for any medical or genetic condition. Their psychological screening is also done. We prefer surrogates between 21-35 years of age, who are married and has given birth to a healthy child. Divorced or widows who have given birth to healthy babies are also considered.
Embryo(s) transferred into the surrogate’s womb may be fresh or frozen. After embryo transfer, we take good care of the surrogate, so that your baby is taken care of throughout pregnancy.
So if you are looking for the most efficient surrogacy doctor in Delhi or an effective surrogacy expert in Delhi, then we have a team of most experienced doctors under the guidance of Dr. Archana Dhawan Bajaj who has received several national and international awards in surrogacy treatment.
Best Surrogacy Centres in Delhi
Shinefertility has gained significant recognition for its fertility centres in Delhi, sealing its cachet in the fertility realm of India’s financial capital, Delhi is equipped with cutting-edge fertility technologies designed to improve outcomes and shorten lead times. Both centres boast an eminent team of fertility specialists and embryologists, that have successfully furthered Shinefertility the best surrogacy centre in Delhi, and a long-standing legacy of providing uniquely personal fertility solutions to every couple.
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