What is health insurance
Know what Health Insurance means & how it is one of the safest ways to provide financial coverage to your family. Check the different types of Health Insurance in India & select the best one.

What is health insurance

What is health insurance? Health insurance is a type of insurance product that covers the insured's medical and surgical expenses in the event of hospitalization. These costs include hospitalization, doctor consultation fees, and medication costs. Health insurance companies have partnerships with hospitals and leading healthcare providers, allowing the insured to receive cashless care. If the insurance company has no affiliation with the care provider, the insured is reimbursed for the expenses. The cost of health insurance premiums is frequently covered in part by the employer, but you can also purchase one on your own. Health insurance benefits are tax-free.


Do you require medical coverage? Yes. An accident can happen without warning, or you may become ill and need to be taken to the hospital. Treatment and hospitalization costs can burn a hole in your pocket and put a strain on your finances. This means you'll have to make sacrifices on other expenses and life goals. Furthermore, if the family's sole breadwinner is in the hospital, the situation deteriorates. All of this can be avoided by paying a small premium for health insurance, which will reduce your financial burden in the event of a medical emergency. When you are young and healthy, it is best to purchase a health insurance policy. As you get older, your premiums rise. You may also be denied. It is critical to choose a good health insurance plan. However, it is difficult to choose between any health insurance plans in India that provide similar benefits.