Type of death not covered in term insurance
Before buying term insurance one important thing to note is what kind of deaths are not covered in Term insurance. Here's the list of deaths not covered by term insurance.

Type of death not covered in term insurance

Does term insurance cover accidental death? You can get life insurance through a term insurance policy for a set amount of time. If you are making plans for a short-term objective, it is most appropriate. When choosing a term insurance plan, one should exercise caution because there are numerous provisions that could disqualify you from receiving the final payout. It's crucial to be aware of the type of death not covered in term insurance.

These types of fatalities fall under the scope of term insurance policies. The beneficiary of the insurer is entitled to receive the sum promised as the death benefit even if a person passes away as a result of a serious illness or pre-existing condition.


Accidents are always possible. According to term plans, your nominee is eligible for a payout in the event of an unintentional death. A rider that provides you with additional payout over the sum assured in the original plan can also be attached to Term plans.

There are a few exceptions to this, though. Any compensation for accidental deaths brought on by drugs or alcohol or if the insured was engaged in criminal behavior is not permitted. Term plans do not cover accidental deaths that occur while participating in adventure sports like skydiving, paragliding, bungee jumping, and others.

In the event of suicide within the first 12 months, a non-linked plan's beneficiary will get 80% of the premium sum accumulated, while a linked plan's beneficiary will receive 100% of the premium sum. Insurance companies often reserve the right to deny death payments for suicide. Usually, if the insurer takes their own life after a year, the nominee is not entitled to any reimbursement.

Self-inflicted wounds are not covered by term insurance policies. Under Term policies, any serious illness-related death is covered. HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases are also included.

When acquiring a term insurance plan, you must report any illnesses you already have. If the sickness results in the policyholder's death, the nominee is only eligible for the payout if the information was revealed at the time of purchase. The premiums may be greater if you have a life-threatening illness, but in the event of a payout, the claims process is less complicated. For term insurance plans, financial companies mandate that you undergo medical examinations.

Overdose deaths brought on by alcohol or drugs are also not eligible for payouts under term insurance plans.

Cases, when the nominee kills the policyholder in exchange for money, have been reported frequently. The nominee is not eligible for death benefits until the judiciary clears the nominee, should any investigation reveal that the nominee was responsible for the insured's death. Except if you have chosen a specific rider for that purpose, term insurance does not provide coverage for death caused by any natural disaster or act of God, such as a tsunami, earthquake, or flood.