Dividend Paying Stocks
In recent market times, when the fear of recession in 2022 - 2023 is looming around major economies of the world and the market returns from your investments are very volatile. In such a situation seasoned investors target high-quality companies which have strong financials and those that consistently pay high dividends.
Most seasoned investors target such stocks that pay dividends on a consistent basis as they have a strong cash-generating mechanism because of which they are able to pay consistent dividends to their investors which is a popular way to generate passive income from dividends.
What is a Dividend?
The dividend is a part of the profit which a company distributes among their shareholders in the form of cash or shares in order to reward them.
In the share market, one could earn in two ways:
1). capital appreciation
2). earning dividends from your investments.
The top 5 Highest dividend-paying companies in India are:
1). Hindustan Zinc Limited
2. Indus Towers
3. Vedanta
4. Coal India
5. Indian Oil Corporation
Know why these are the Highest dividend-paying stocks in India