Like the startling fire of dusk or the first blaze of the splendorous dawn, Carnelian's beautiful shades of reddish-orange of this healing crystal never fail to capture everyone who sees it.
Know the healing properties of Red Carnelian
Like the startling fire of dusk or the first blaze of the splendorous dawn, Carnelian's beautiful shades of reddish-orange of this healing crystal never fail to capture everyone who sees it. The strong energy of this gemstone gives a surge of warmth and pleasure that waits, invigorating and enabling. Known as a crystal stone of inspiration and perseverance, endurance, and fortitude, Carnelians have secured and enlivened from the beginning of time. A smooth, clear stone, Carnelian is an orange-shaded assortment of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family.