Concrete Construction is a difficult task yet very important. It involves various steps. Each step should be completed with intense care for the construction of a beautiful and durable structure that can stay for long.
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1. Materials Estimation
To produce high-quality concrete, the proportions of concrete ingredients must be measured carefully and precisely. The batching method can ensure that the concrete materials are accurately measured. Estimation of materials is the way of assessing the amount or ratio of materials such as cement, gravel, water, and other ingredients in a cementations material by mass or volume.
Contact Us: 718-971-4362
Address: 6513 17th Ave Brooklyn NY 11204
2. Preparing the Site
The most critical aspect of laying concrete is preparing the soil. The earth must be properly wet and compressed before the concrete can be poured. Preparation of the subsoil properly reduces the likelihood of cracks in the final concrete construction.
3. Excavation
The first stage in preparing the ground for concrete construction is excavating. Excavation is done depending on the type of construction. Whereas if the soil is generally damp or has a high percentage of clay, an extra two inches is excavated for gravel.