Why Real Virtual Executive Assistant Is Preferable Over AI
Are you finding it difficult to take out the time from your busy schedule just to manage a simple calendar, clean up your spam, and do other less worthy, yet time-consuming tasks?

Why Real Virtual Executive Assistants Are Preferable Over AI

Stop worrying, we have a solution for you. Yes, we bring Real-Life Virtual Assistance to your desk, who are professional in their services. You might also think of considering Artificial Intelligence as an option. Even though they utilize machine learning to get tasks done, they can only follow commands. They rarely think out of the box while encountering a situation. The simple fact is that AI can’t adapt the way humans do.

AIs lack that human-to-human feel. Real lives VAs help you in your business, personally and professionally with a human touch.

Why Real Virtual Executive Assistants?

Why Real Virtual Executive Assistant?

Before thinking of opting for an AI, it is really necessary to consider the difference between AI and real-life VA’s and demonstrate how a real-life Virtual Administrative Assistant is actually a better option. Find out the ways how Virtual Executive Assistants is better than opting for AI.

Humans are Proactive whereas AI is Reactive

A human Assistant will develop an emotional connection and observe a non-linear approach aboard, which is highly impossible for AI to achieve.

1) In Customer Service

Though AI has been expanding in the sector of Customer Service, it is suitable only for certain simple questions. When a complex query been posted by a customer, AI is unable to identify the pattern-recognition. That is the reason, customers prefer humans over AI for solving their complicated queries.

2) Scheduling Tasks

Scheduling is the best example to illustrate how humans are better than AI. A real Virtual Assistant can embrace AI to reduce the time spent on lower level tasks and concentrate more on strategic work.

3) Sales

A Virtual Executive Assistants can leverage AI to execute the menial and tactical tasks and concentrate better on the high-clinical work.

Here are a few examples a real-life Virtual executive Assistants can aid for entrepreneurs, small to mid-sized business.

Calendar Management

• Synchronizing Calendars
• Scheduling appointments on the calendar
• Setting up reminders on the calendar
• Importing and exporting calendars
• Updating calendar

Business Research

• Vendor research & coordination
• Market research & Report preparation
• Competitor analysis
• Product research
• Real estate research

Lead generation/contact list building & management

• Researching Business contacts & Leads
• Preparing business contacts list

 Preparing Presentations

• Researching Presentation Content
• Preparing Business Presentations

Digital Marketing

• Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
• Social Media Marketing
• Analytics and Tracking
• Competitor Analysis
• Branding


As the bottom line goes: The ability to adapt is more crucial than ever. Human creativity and ability to soothe with personalized conversation and sophistication come really handy while managing the software applications. AI is less capable of detecting these new behaviors and presenting them in a convincing manner.

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