Which is the best place to install your safes?
Get to know about Home security

Unfortunately, house burglaries are now on the rise across many parts of the country. But where should you put safes to keep your assets safe & protected? Even though there is no one-size-fits-all solution for every house, there are several criteria that might help you find a decent site.

By purchasing a safe to secure valuables in your house from fire, theft, or other unforeseen calamities, you are making a prudent option. The majority of home safes come with an installation kit & instructions.

Where to Install Your Safe?

According to home security, the following are the best locations for your safe:

  •         On a shelf against a wall
  •         In the floor
  •         On furniture against a wall
  •         In the wall
  •         On the floor (large safe)
  •         Inside a cabinet

1-On a shelf or against a wall with furnishings

One of the better spots, in our opinion, is on a shelf against a cement wall. Because of the ledge, the safe will be elevated sufficiently to allow for simple access. Moreover, you won't have to stoop to utilize it. The safe will be secured into the cement wall & will be difficult to remove.

There are various advantages to putting  safes within a piece of furniture & against a wall. Your vault will be at your eye level. When the furniture's door is closed, it will be hidden. For further security, it may be secured into the wall. However, keep in mind that you will need to drill a hole in the bottom of the furniture for the vault to rest firmly on the wall, or the bolts will need to be long enough to go thru the wood & into the wall to offer enough security. However, this is not a great practice, but it is achievable.

2-Anchored to the ground

If your safe is large enough and your wall is not a primary solid wall (splitter wall), you might tie it to the floor. Your vault will be securely locked and conveniently accessible, but you'll have to stoop to unlock the door. However, this is most emphatically not really the way to handle tiny safes. The safe will be difficult to conceal on the floor. You may use it as a shelf & place something on top of it & in front of it to disguise it a little.

3-If it's a wall safe; it should be placed against a wall.

According to home security, you may embed your vault in a wall if it is not too thick. The wall must be sufficiently thick. It is not a simple task, & it is advised that you seek the assistance of a professional. The hole must be large enough since cement may put pressure on the safe, making it difficult to access if not done correctly. An embedded safe has numerous advantages: it's secure, easy to access, & easy to conceal.

Inconvenient: installing the safe requires a sturdy solid wall and the services of a specialist. It will be significantly more difficult to maintain or replace your safe if it does not function correctly.

4-Hidden in the floor

In the case of a small vault again, one possible way to install it is on the floor. The floor can't be wood. If the floor is concrete or cement, this is a good place to embed a safe. It will be easy to hide. However, there are several inconveniences: a professional has to do the install, it's difficult to access, water or dust might go inside the safe, dust or water can go inside the lock & damage it. This is not a place we recommend.

5-Within a Cabinet

Before opting for home security, know that inside a cabinet is an ideal spot to install & utilize a safe. You'll find it simple to install on your own. It is simple to secure the safe to the cabinet's wood. The safe will be simple to use & conceal. However, security will be subpar. Wood is not sturdy enough, & if a thief has the right tools & enough time, he will be able to retrieve the safe.

However, this is a location where you may keep moderately critical items that you need to access on a regular basis & where the danger is low. Keep in mind that a thief with only a few minutes will be unable to remove the vault.


There is no "optimal" location to put a safe; it is a crucial choice that you must make depending on your worries and convenience requirements. We hope this guide helps you secure your belongings and makes your safe more effective.