Recently I was asked to look intoa state game result page for one of my favorite horses, maiden satta. The pagegave me quite a bit of insight about the onlinesatta king process and what goes on behind the scenes before a Satta horserace is run. It was a great piece of information and definitely gave me somenew perspectives on the satta game. However, I wanted to write about somethingelse that came up in our satta discussion.
The Satta King (game result) is alsocalled satta grand Prix in Italy and sometimes spelt satta superi auctore. Itlists all of the leading contenders in an event and there is usually a sattagrand Prix entry list followed by the podium listings for each horse. In the Satta Resultsthere are six satta strings. I've written about satta strings before and howthey can help handicappers and race fans alike.
The Satta Matka grandPrix entry list shows who is in the lead and who is back in the satta game.Sometimes there is a satta string with two or three horses listed that are allwithin touching distance of the lead or one another. I looked up the last threeup satta king strings to see if anyof them had ever led in a satta game and the results showed there had been nosatta game results listed for those horses.
The sattakingis run a day after the satta final in a different satta track. What this meansis that there has been no satta practice or racing to be done and therefore noanalysis or testing has been done and thus the probability of any surprises isvery high. It is my opinion that you should avoid betting on multiple Satta gameor on multiple horse races as there is simply too much riding involved and toolittle data available.
My best advice for picking winnersis to bet on one satta game and play it to its full potential. That means one shri ganesh satta kingevent and one long program of horses. I still see the value in playingtrifectas and other types of trifectas but the odds on a single सट्टामटकाstring may be greater and therefore the payoff may be higher. I think it isbetter to play a horse than a program so that if something unexpected happens,you have more information at your fingertips to act on.
My next suggestion deals withlooking at the SattaBajar and calculating what the likelihood would be that a horse willfinish first or second in satta. There is an argument that the probability ofwinning is high on a satta day but this may not necessarily be true. Forinstance if two top bets are made and the winner is only third in Satta Live we may believe that theprobability of the runner winning is still high but the price may be lower onthat particular race due to the unbetched satta game.
This can be used in any form ofbetting and horse racing handicapping. For instance a good method to use sattaresults in a linear fashion is to look at Satta Resultfrom last year, analyze the top ten finishers in satta, how many were jockeystarters, how many were first time starters, how many were third or fourthtimers and so forth. The answer may surprise you. Most of the top trainers comeinto satta with a very experienced horse and a number of gali satta king starts in theirstable. Therefore most satta results will reflect well on an experienced horseand there is little reason why a beginner in the sport of horse racing shouldmake an early bet in satta as the result could be disastrous.
However, Gali Satta are rarely used in thedaily race track games and more often than not they are used in the highhandicapping stakes races. There are many reasons for this but one reason Ihave always seen SattaKing Up used is when a horse has an outside shot at the lead and thecrowd wants it over the second placed horse and the post position. In this casethe outside shot would have been better taken from satta with a good horse thanfrom the post. That is why I have always felt Satta Sattais such a great form to consider when a horse is near the lead and has a strongpost position.
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