Hardcover vs Paperback, Which’s Right for You?
Do you wonder which binding style is right for your book between hardcover and paperback book publishing? If you have decided to self-publishing a book, this blog will be helpful as it looks at the difference between hardcover vs. paperback books.
Do you wonder which binding style is right for your book between hardcover and paperback book publishing? If you have decided to self-publishing a book, this blog will be helpful as it looks at the difference between hardcover vs. paperback books. 
The prestigious hardcover was born to protect a book’s beautiful pages and the valuable words it stored.  However, printing technological advances, economic pressures, and readers’ lifestyles saw the invention of the notorious paperback in 1935. Its lightweight, cheerful nature and affordable price gave it immediate fame in the book publishing and printing world. 
You may wonder why these two types, and not just one, when, clearly, the paperback is the winner. Well, while there are some significant differences between paperback vs. hardcover books, both formats are available because of different editions and readers’ preferences. free publishing websites
What is a Paperback Book?
Paperback book is also known as softcover or perfect bound. These books’ covers are softer than hard bounds and are typically made from thick paper stock or paperboard. The books are held together with strong glue. book publishing online
A close companion to paperback book covers is magazines’, where one side of the cover contains text and the other side show an image or illustration. 
People prefer paperbacks because they are cheaper and lighter than hardcover. Compared to a $25 hardcover book, a paperback book costs only about $5 to $10.
What is a Hardcover Book?
A hardcover is a classic book cover, also known as a hardbound book. Cardboard, cloth, leather, wood, or any other stiff, durable material is used to make the book cover. The pages are reinforced by sewing them into the spine to ensure they lay flat when the book is opened. The title, subtitle, and author name are often imprinted on the cloth or leather binding, while the book comes wrapped in a dustjacket (a flap in front of the book). 
Hardcover books are considered powerful and prestigious, as well as look nice and professional. Hence, they are often used for gifting and reserved for rare books, bestsellers, or special editions. Besides, hardcover binding is durable than paperback’s easy-to-tear pages.