Common Myths about Self-Publishing Author Should Know
As an author, you very well know the challenges of self-publishing a book. But what you might want to know is that self-publishing is rewarding and exciting. With technology rapidly growing each day, authors now have a chance to succeed in the self-publishing path. self publishing companies
As an author, you very well know the challenges of self-publishing a book. But what you might want to know is that self-publishing is rewarding and exciting. With technology rapidly growing each day, authors now have a chance to succeed in the self-publishing path. self publishing companies

Busting Myths about Self-Publishing

There is a misconception among authors that self-publishing is difficult and the responsibility is too much to handle. Here are a few myths related to self-publishing. book publishing online

Myth #1 Printing Books is Expensive in Self-Publishing

Some authors think that the publishing cost in self-publishing mode is expensive. Authors who desire to self-publish their book hesitate because of the looming fear that they will not be able to afford to print their book, and even if they do so, there is no guarantee that the book will sell.  It might be true in offset printing methods, but nowadays, we have print-on-demand. Self-publishing platforms like Writat are associated with local printers worldwide, and you can now print only what you sell. It means the overhead cost is low, and you don’t need to worry about the piled-up inventory. free book publishing companies

Myth #2 Self-Publishing is for Writers Who Are Not Confident about Publishing Their Book Traditionally

The most insane misconception about self-publishing is to think that if you can’t publish your book by a traditional publisher, then it’s terrible. Often traditional publishers pass on books worth reading, and then, later on, those books are self-published by authors and have crossed more readers. A self-published author can find his target readers through social media and then market his book to gain more popularity.

Myth #3 You Will Never Make More Money in Self-Publishing

To say that self-publishing will never make money is a wrong statement. Many self-published authors make a decent income and enjoy good royalty payments. The higher rate of royalties per sale is 70% vs. 10%. Traditionally published authors earn twice a year, while self-published authors earn every month. Traditionally published authors don’t control the sales, while self-published authors have complete freedom over prices and marketing to boost book sales.

Myth #4 A self-published Author Can Never Become a Traditionally Published Author

Because you have decided to self-publish your book doesn’t mean you will always be a self-published author. If your self-published has succeeded and gained popularity that caught the interest of traditional publishers who wish to earn more money, then they will look for you. You need not choose between traditional or self-published authors but can become a hybrid author and can take advantage of the best of both worlds. best self publishing platforms

Myth #5 Self-Published Books Have Low Quality in Comparison with Traditionally Published Books

As an author, you must know that the path you choose to publish your book doesn’t determine the book’s quality, but the content inside does. It doesn’t mean that a book published by the publisher is a masterpiece. No, publishers choose manuscripts that will bring them profit and are suitable for their company’s goals. Publishers are not critics or devoted readers; they are business people. Think about J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter, which 12 publishers turned down until Bloomsbury turned up, and this proves that publishers can highly underestimate the book’s quality and reject it.

Bottom Line

Now that the myths about self-publishing are busted, don’t give up on your dream of becoming a self-published author. If you want to establish yourself as the best-selling author, you must not worry about any myths or hustles. Regardless of your path to publishing, work hard to achieve your goal.