Chakki Fresh Atta Important Parameters
Atta, or whole wheat flour, is a staple constituent in Indian households. This is because an Indian lunch would be almost incomplete without chapatis.

Atta, or whole wheat flour, is a staple constituent in Indian households. This is because an Indian lunch would be almost incomplete without chapatis. Any Dal or Sabzi pairs perfectly with these delicious whole wheat flour-based Phulkas. 

The majority of the Indian market is dominated by Chakki Atta, which is delivered right from regional Chakki mills to the table. But, packaged whole wheat flour is currently rapidly growing in popularity.

Customers must be able to determine which whole wheat flour variety is their go-getter with the introduction of new whole wheat flour varieties on the market. If they are planning to buy 10 Kg Chakki Fresh Atta. 

Various Chakki Fresh Atta quality parameters can be used to determine what makes one whole wheat flour variant distinct from another. 

The various whole wheat flour types are rated according to these benchmarks. Let's explore several fresh chakki atta important parameters if you want to bring home 10 Kg Chakki Fresh Atta. 


The amount of water in the wheat flour is known as moisture. Neither a very high nor a very low moisture percentage of the wheat flour is effective. It merely causes the flour's quality to decline. For a reliable cooking experience, whole wheat flour should only have a moisture content of 13–14%.

Crude Fiber

Crude fibre is essentially a measurement of how much of the food's indigestible lignin, cellulose, pentosans, and other components are present. The crude fibre percentage of whole wheat flour should not be higher than 2.5%, according to the FSS.


The dough's elasticity, strength, and ability to retain gas are all due to gluten, a natural protein found in wheat flour. It can alternatively be described as the elastic mass that remains after the wheat dough has been washed to get rid of the starch granules and water-soluble components. Wheat flour should contain between 6% and 10% gluten following Food Safety and Standards Regulations.

Total Ash

The mineral content of whole wheat flour is called ash. The amount of ash in the wheat that was used to mill and extract the flour has the biggest impact on the total amount of ash in wheat flour. Whole wheat flour should have a total ash percentage of less than 2%.


The mould Aspergillus flavus produces several poisons or compounds called aflatoxins. It may have several harmful health impacts on people when they consume it. Aflatoxins should therefore not exceed 15 mg/kg following FSS Rules.

Alcoholic Acidity

When wheat flour is kept in storage for an extended period, it deteriorates in many ways. As a result, the alcohol acidity rises, which is bad for the wheat flour's quality. Alcoholic acidity should therefore never be greater than 0.18%. The quality of wheat flour declines with increasing alcoholic acidity, which explains this.


One of the main components of wheat flour is carbohydrates. They are the energy source. Wheat flour is therefore anticipated to have a lot of carbs.


Heavy metal lead is extremely hazardous and can harm the brain and other organs of the body severely. Lead content in whole wheat flour may not exceed 2.5 mg/kg. Anything over this threshold can inhibit neuronal growth or cause other problems with the brain, among other things.

Water Absorption Percentage

To determine the type of flour, the water absorption rate in wheat flour must be measured. It has a direct bearing on the standard and protein content of wheat flour. For the proper dough-making process, water absorption is required. Thus, the proportion of water absorption should constantly be between 60 and 65%.

Pesticides Residue

To kill any pests, a pesticide is a chemical or biological agent. The human body may suffer immediate injury as a result. The maximum allowable limit for any pesticide is 20 mg/kg, according to FSS Regulations.

Uric Acid

Kidney stones can be prevented by keeping the body's amount of uric acid low. Consequently, it is okay if the whole wheat flour has a uric acid content of no more than 100 mg/kg.

Calorific Value

The quantity of energy in the form of calories that food provides to our bodies is measured by its calorific value. The national guidelines don't specify any specific requirements, however, a high value is thought to be beneficial. More is always better.


Protein is a necessary nutrient that is crucial to the development and operation of the human body. Whole wheat flour contains it by nature. The protein level of whole wheat flour is not particularly capped by the national guidelines. Yet, wheat with more protein will be of greater quality.

The safety standards swore to uphold these Fresh Chakki Atta Quality Requirements. Make sure to only purchase whole wheat flour that complies with all the established quality requirements the next time you go shopping for yourself. 

Bring home 10 Kg Chakki Fresh Atta in Uttarakhand as it is safe and healthful for human consumption owing to these quality requirements. It is abundant in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre, all of which are necessary for a healthy digestive system. Moreover, it helps in lowering blood cholesterol and promoting physical fitness.

The classic grinding method produces the highest-quality Chakki Atta. Wheat flour that has been stone-ground has many benefits. Only in whole-grain stone-ground flour do the three grain components—endosperm, bran, and germ—remain in their original, natural ratios.

Rancidity does not develop as quickly as it would if the wheat germ were treated in steel roller mills because the wheat germ does not overheat when the stones grind slowly and the germ oil is distributed evenly. Many people choose stone-ground flour due to its greater nutritional value, smooth texture, and sweet nutty flavour.

Stone grinding and processing are used to create Natural Whole Wheat Chakki Atta from quality wheat grains. Chapattis stay soft and tasty for a long time because to the continuous moisture added by freshly milled whole wheat flour. You can get the nutritious benefit without sacrificing nutrients by substituting 10 Kg Chakki Fresh Atta in your regular meals.