Best Solar Panel Layout Tool: Which One To Use In 2022?
Solar photovoltaic panels are made up of a number of small photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. These cells are made of semi-conductive materials, most often silicon, that can conduct electricity while maintaining the necessary electrical imbalance to create an electric field. When photons from the sun impact a semiconductor in a solar PV cell, their energy is absorbed, causing a large number of electrons to be liberated and float freely within the cell. To create an electric field, the solar cell is made up of positively and negatively charged semiconductors stacked together. The electrons are pushed in one direction by the electric field, which is toward the conductive metal plates that surround the cell. The intensity of this flow, known as an energy current, determines how much power each cell can create. The current is steered into wires when unbound electrons impact metal plates, allowing the electrons to flow as they would in any other source of energy.