The Impact of Technology on the Book Publishing Industry
What they found is that the steps to book publishing is rapidly growing, and many authors, particularly fiction, have chosen to self-publish their books. They do so for financial and creative control, copyright control, and the joy of not having to appeal to a traditional book publisher.
The evolution of eBooks and digital reading has disrupted the book publishing industry for good reasons in the past decade. The progress in dedicated reading devices – from handheld, bound books to everyone’s current favorite, Amazon Kindle – has made reading friendly, rapid, and time-saving. 
But we have also seen a tremendous shift in the book publishing process –  the time-cost-saving self-publishing companies and print-on-demand services bypassing the traditional book publishers to be the top favorite of authors. 
The internet and online shopping remain the key drivers of this change, which has also impacted the other aspects of the book publishing value chain. 
Best Self-publishing platforms, like Writat, help authors reach readers directly, far better than steps to self publishing a book. Electronic and online marketplaces, like Amazon, expand book distribution, e-tailers like Booksophile sell books online, and electronic readers like Kindle provide personalized reading experiences to readers.

How Technology Is Fundamentally Scaling the Book Publishing Industry 

Technology has delivered significant opportunities to self-publishing platforms and authors. In addition, technology is influencing authors on how they research and draft their manuscripts, publish and promote their books, and even engage with their readers. 
Macquarie University’s Faculty of Business and Economics, Australia, conducted a one-of-a-kind study on the impact of technology on the book publishing industry. They surveyed more than 1000 book authors and publishers and highlighted their responses to the evolution of technology affecting the global book industry and the livelihood of authors. 

Key Finding – Self-Publishing Technology Will Be the New Normal in Book Publishing Sector

What they found is that the steps to book publishing is rapidly growing, and many authors, particularly fiction, have chosen to self-publish their books. They do so for financial and creative control, copyright control, and the joy of not having to appeal to a traditional book publisher. 
  • More than 25% of authors self-published a book the previous year.
  • One-third of self-published books are fiction. 
  • Around 60% of the authors have switched to self-publishing companies for creative and financial control. 
  • Self-publishing is becoming increasingly common across all mainstream genres, like education, poetry, self-help, creative, and non-fiction. 
  • Technology-based self-publishing platforms, like us, have increased the number of publishing formats, like Paperback, Hardcover, and eBook publishing.
  • Authors who write in specific genres and sub-genres, such as guide to self publishing in the Tamil language, find it hard to publish their books traditionally. Self-publishing technology and PoD service have made it easy and convenient for them to sell their books to niche readers. 
  • Authors also report that new technologies and online publishing have paved the way to publishing paid, original work. 
Quick Read: How Authors guide to self publishing

Technology Has Positively Impacted Author Demographics, Earnings, Marketing, Readers Reach, Sales Right, and More

  • Print on Demand (PoD) technology has allowed authors to print books on demand from local printers, reducing the cost of bulk printing, inventory, and large print runs.
  • eCommerce marketplaces, like Amazon and social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, have made it possible for readers to purchase books directly from the authors, often at a lower cost. (Learn social media for self-publishinghere).
  • These platforms have also placed authors in a better position to provide a personalized experience to their niche readers, communicate with them personally, and even collaborate with them for events, giveaways, and contests, significantly improving authors’ reach and credibility.
  • While technology has increased competition, it has also made it convenient for self-publishing authors to reach readers globally with limited resources. For instance, when you publish with Writat, we distribute your book to 40,000 distribution partners across 80 countries
  • More and more women authors are coming forward to self-publish their books online. 
  • More and more elderly authors have finally started their dream careers as an author by selling their books online.  
  • By self-publishing, authors can earn upto 100% royalties on the profits compared to the 2% to 10% profit share they earn from traditional publishing.
  • Because of the rise in digital marketing tactics, like Author websites, email marketing, SEO, Instagram marketing, videos, and podcasts, 70% of authors have improved how their books are promoted and sold.
  • Digital marketing solutions have also significantly influenced the way in which authors improve their relationships with their readers and build a loyal follower base. 
  • 50% of the authors report that new technologies have provided new openings to earn more through their books. Examples: Guest speaking, blogging, product merchandising, and more. 
  • In the previous year, the most nominated format for book publishing was print books (roughly 45%), followed by eBooks (around 35%). Audiobooks are also taking the stage this year. 
Check out the book publishing steps.
Book publishing is not what it was in the 20thcentury or even a decade back. The technological revolution is in full swing in some areas of publishing, while in others, like self-publishing, it is a constant. 
Undoubtedly, technology will continue to have a dynamic impact on the book publishing industry. While the pandemic has affected the sector with both positive and negative impacts, we have seen an increase in book reading during this time, boosting online sales and self-publishing. 
So, if you have plans to self-publish a book with Writat, you have chosen the perfect time. The opportunities will flood your doorway. So, pick the chance and get a positive result. 
We have some exclusive plans and offers for self-publishing authors. You can visit our officialwebsitefor more information.