Let’s talk about Technical SEO Services
Auditing your technical SEO helps many crawling and indexing issues happen because of poorly-designed site structure. So if you get this step right you don’t need to worry as much about Google indexing all of your site’s pages.

Let’s talk about Technical SEO Services

Technical SEO services provide various factors and criteria to check the SEO compliance of the website, and that’s only possible through auditing your technical SEO. The following audit should include checking the implementation of robots.txt, sitemap, footer, re directions and more. It should also include an evaluation of on-page factors like content, meta tags, headers tags, and so on.

Auditing Your Technical SEO: Meaning

Technical SEO Services is an area of SEO that covers optimizations that improve search engine ranking by making your site easier for search engines to crawl. For example, optimizing  site load time or making redirects work properly and many more through Technical SEO Services. Essentially, it’s the process of ensuring your website can be seen, crawled, and ranked by search engines. It can help you improve the technical characteristics of your website to improve organic traffic.

Technical SEO Processes Includes Implementations such as:

  • Website Analysis

  • Client Requirements

  • Keyword Research

  • Content Writing

  • Website Optimization

  • SEO Submission

  • Link Building

  • Reporting

In addition to crawling and indexing, that are important factors in SEO, some other elements of technical SEO services include:

  • Mobile optimization

  • Page load speed

  • Link health

  • Duplicate content

  • Schemas

  • Crawl errors

  • Image issues

  • Site security

  • URL structure

  • 404 pages

  • 301 redirects

  • Canonical tags

  • XML sitemaps

  • Site architecture

There are many more aspects to consider while performing a technical SEO audit. These need to be taken care of!

Does Auditing Your Technical SEO Implementations Work?

Auditing your technical SEO helps many crawling and indexing issues happen because of poorly-designed site structure. So if you get this step right you don’t need to worry as much about Google indexing all of your site’s pages.

Second, your site structure influences everything else you do to optimize your site… from URLs to your sitemap to using robots.txt to block search engines from certain pages.

Finally, a strong structure makes every other technical SEO task easier.

Technical implementations can help you with multi fold growth for your organic channels and achieve business objectives. 

Here are the things you should follow while considering technical SEO in your strategy:

  • Conduct an In-depth technical audit before you start with your optimization plan

  • Create a tracker listing down all the issues

  • Provide detailed and specific recommendations to solve each issue

  • Prioritize the issues and their recommendations depending on its impact. 

  • Start resolving the issues as per your priority and impact analysis

  • Review technical implementations frequently and look for improvement signals

  • Technical SEO can be a game changer when done right. It is a high-effort, high return activity in the SEO field, which shouldn’t be ignored.