Indian Sportsperson Bajrang Punia
Bajrang Punia is a famous player of India. He is a freestyle wrestler. He is born on 26 Feb 1994, in Haryana. He began wrestling at the age of seven. Punia was encouraged by his father because he was also a wrestler. Punia won three medals at the World Wrestling Championships. Being a famous sportsperson in India Bajrang Punia is among the lead runners of the next generation of Indian wrestling.

BajrangPunia is an inspirational Freestyle wrestler who plays in the sixty-five kgcategory. He was given birth on 26 February 1994 in his motherland in Khudanvillage of Haryana. The family of the lad was financially weak, and thus, theytaught him free games like wrestling and kabaddi. The child started thetraining of wrestling at the age of seven after his father,  Balwant Singh Punia, encouraged the kid to takeup the sport. Subsequently, the wrestler dad sent the boy to a local wrestlingground for teaching the strength game. While growing up, Bajrang Punia admiredwrestlers and the skill. The emerging player bunked the school to practicewrestling at the akhaada (local wrestling arena). He won cash prizes at severalevents, and thus, the young one decided to take wrestling as a career.

Bajrang Punia began his professionalcoaching at the Chatshal Stadium under the trainer Shri Mahabaleshwar Pal. Heworked hard day and night and followed every routine which his coach suggestedwith discipline and punctuality. The youngster determined to become a famous sportsperson In India andinspire emerging athletes. In 2014, the young player went to Yogeshwar Academy,where Yogeshwar Dutt became his mentor and close friend who supported thebudding wrestler to grow.  Later in 2015,the family of Bajrang Punia shifted from their native village to Sonepat, wherethe wrestler attended the Sports Authority of India in the region.

Bajrang Punia, after years ofpractice, the athlete tasted the first success in 2013 at Asian WrestlingChampionship in New Delhi, where he won the bronze medal in the 60 kg category.The same year, the emerging star achieved bronze medals at Budapest 60 kg andDave Schultz Memorial Tournament. Then in 2014, the dedicated fighter grabbedthe silver medals at the Asian Championships, Asian Games and CommonwealthGames. He won the Arjuna Award for his outstanding performance in wrestling andthe Gold medal at  Dave Schultz MemorialTournament in the year 2015. Within a short period, the wrestler was noted asthe famous Indian Sports Player andmade the country proud. Later, the wrestler successfully achieved a Gold medalat the 2016 Commonwealth Championship held in Singapore. Soon in the year 2017,the star gamer won a silver medal and two gold medals at international eventsin the 65 kg and 70 kg categories. The year 2018 also showered victory on him,and the talented performer won gold medals in the Asian Games and CommonwealthGames. Moreover, he also achieved a silver medal at World Championship and abronze medal at the Asian Championship in 2018. Bajrang Punia was awarded theprestigious Padma Shri and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna in 2019 from the IndianGovernment. The skilful wrestler won a silver medal at the 2019 WorldChampionship, and thus, he was ranked as the world’s no.1 in the 65 kgcategory. The talented wrestler won the 2020 Rome Ranking series by defeatingJordan Olivar in the 65 kg freestyle category.

The Indian sportsperson was qualified for the Tokyo Summer Olympics in2020. Unfortunately, the event was postponed due to the increasing cases of theCovid-19 pandemic. Bajrang Punia was not discouraged, and he continued histraining with determination to prepare himself for any opportunity that wouldknock on his doors. Subsequently, in 2021, the fighter won the gold medal atthe Matteo Pellicone Ranking Series 2021 held in Italy.

Bajrang Punia joined the IndianRailways as the Gazetted officer OSD officer. He married wrestler SangeetaPhogat on 26 November 2020 in the presence of their few loved ones, followingthe rules and regulation of the coronavirus guidelines. The player has provedhimself as an honest employee, dedicated wrestler, respectable Indian citizenand loving family man.

BajrangPunia is a source of inspiration tomany wrestlers and athletes who dream to make India proud. He believed inhimself and followed all the lessons taught by his coaches. The player had aclear vision, determination and perseverance for the game, and it helped him inbecoming the successful fighter of the world. The other important fact to learnfrom Bajrang Punia is to never losehope before accomplishing your dream. The wrestler did not halt after achievinga place in the world ranking but began working harder for the future.