How can women increase their fertility naturally?GGIVF
How can women increase their fertility naturally?

How can women increase their fertility naturally?

How can women increase their fertility naturally?

If you are a woman who wants to getpregnant and not succeeding at it, there is no need to lose heart. The firstand foremost thing, when it comes to getting pregnant, especially if you areover 35-years-old, is to not be too harsh and self-critical with yourself. Thesignificant thing is to focus on the solutions now. The most important thing torealize is the importance of making some changes in your lifestyle.


Though there are various infertilitytreatments available, there are other ways to boost your fertility naturally.Besides this, even if you start the infertility treatment, the following tipswill help increase the chances of getting pregnant with the treatment. So hereis what one needs to do:

1. Sleep at least eight hours everynight: Believe it or not, your sleep impacts the quality of your eggs andoverall health. When one sleeps for seven to eight hours, the body gets thetime to repair itself and rejuvenate. So enough rest is essential for boostingyour fertility. If you think that you remain active despite sleeping for 5hours a day, that is just not okay. Ideally, one should go to sleep between 9pm to 10 pm and sleep for seven to eight hours. Even if you may be functioningwell with 5 hours of sleep, you may not be thriving.

2. Remove sugar from the diet:Consuming way too much-processed sugar harms your fertility and overall healthas well. So your goal should be to reduce the sugar intake and switch over tonatural sugar, and even that you should try to minimize. Excess sugar in thebody can cause inflammation, and inflammation can disrupt ovarian function andegg quality. So, decide to stay away from trans fats and processed foods toimprove your chances of getting pregnant.

3. Work on reducing your stress level: We, as asociety, are always about what have we done, what have we achieved, are weachieving our goals … etc. All this takes a toll on your stress level andfertility. So, it doesn’t mean that one should not be successful, but oneshould let oneself relax a bit and take it easy. Your goal should be to slowdown and be with yourself and maybe do some yoga or meditation to reduce thestress. We all need downtime and give our mind a break to not try to accomplishtoo much. Remember, the GOAL of every goal is Peace !!!

4. Take care of your nutrition: The first thing that is importantregarding improving egg quality is ensuring proper nutrition with minimalchemicals. When we are eating fruits, vegetables, or meat, we might be gettingtoxins, a lot of chemicals, and a lot of hormones with it. We don’t need any ofit when it comes to fertility. So, eating organic can help a lot. Anotherimportant thing is to eat healthy fat. Women need more fat than men when itcomes to pregnancy. Healthy fat means organic butter, ghee, coconut oil, orolive oil. A balanced diet goes a long way in improving your fertility.

5. Eat folate-rich foods to countertoxins: Even if you are eating certain toxic foods, folate counteracts andnullifies their effects. So, the folate-rich foods are Berries, oranges,spinach, Broccoli & cauliflower, kale, asparagus, avocado, and lentils.


So, if you are deciding about takinginfertility treatment, the above tips can help you increase your chances ofsuccess.


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