How and Where to Find a Ghostwriter for Your Book?
Are stories bubbling in your mind and waiting to get out as books? Or perhaps, between your full-time job and writing, you cannot put your thoughts into a manuscript? Working with a ghostwriter is a good way to finish a book for self-publishing much quicker than you would otherwise.

Are stories bubbling in your mind and waiting to get out as books? Or perhaps, between your full-time job and writing, you cannot put your thoughts into a manuscript? Working with a ghostwriter is a good way to finish a book for self-publishing much quicker than you would otherwise. 


If you have no idea how to find a ghostwriter for your book publishing needs, this article will help you with the right information and guidelines. 


Meanwhile, if you are also looking for book publishing assistance, check out our free self-publishing platform, which comes with 15+ amazing benefits for authors. 


Who are Ghostwriters? How Do They Work?

The term ghostwriting refers to a professional service where ghostwriters write under someone else’s byline. Ghostwriters are independent or freelance writers who specialize in writing different content, such as books, blogs, online articles, webpages, brochures, news articles, and more. 


This means a ghostwriter will write your book for you and hand over their work’s IP (intellectual property) to you, allowing you to take credit as the book’s official author. 


How Do Book Ghostwriters Work with Authors?

Many established authors use ghostwriting services to complete their books. Ghostwriters are particularly useful for self-publishing business books, autobiographies, academic books, journals, books by celebrities, and even fiction. 


At times, when the author is willing, ghostwriters are mentioned as “co-authors” or “collaborators” in a book. 


You can also share an unfinished manuscript, and the writer will complete it. For example, if you are self-publishing a cookbook, you can share the recipes and let the writer add the background story and overview, edit, and restructure the book. 


As an author, the book is your only identity. If you believe you can trust a book ghostwriter who wouldn’t reveal the facts and stay bound to the confidentiality clauses, their service can be very helpful in your self-publishing journey. 


Where and How to Find Ghostwriter for a Book?

With the advent of self-publishing and digital marketing, the demand for ghostwriters has increased worldwide. Since ghostwriters work independently, they can be hired from different places.


Online Search

An individual search on LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, etc., can help you find ghostwriters, connect personally, interview, and hire them. 


LinkedIn is a social media network for business professionals. While the search process may take some time, many freelance writers are actively looking for ghostwriting gigs and book projects on LinkedIn. All you have to be is patient in finding a ghostwriter for your book on your own. 


Freelance Marketplaces free publishing websites

Find professional ghostwriters for books on online platforms like Upwork, Freelancers, Fiverr, and Scripted. You can either post a project enquiry and let writers connect with you or search for expert freelance writers and choose the best for your job. The entire process, from hiring to payment, takes place online, making your work easy. 


Writing Agencies

There are hundreds of writing agencies, such as iScribble, Verblio, etc., firms similar to HR companies or hiring agencies that connect you with ghostwriters for a fee. 


While most companies are genuine, few can scam you with ineligible and inexperienced candidates just for the commission. 


If you are selecting this hiring process, work with a dedicated writing agency. Ask the company about their process and how they choose a ghostwriter for a project. Check their payment terms and contract clauses. Find out if they offer a replacement or a money-back guarantee.