Advantages of Reflective Glass
Reflective glass is much better than common glass in controlling the glare of the Sun. Some variants of reflective glass are so effective in filtering out sun glare that the buildings do not require blinds or curtains. Since glare gets effectively filtered by reflective glass, it also serves the purpose of keeping the interiors of the buildings cool during summer.

Glass has always found multiple uses in building design and construction. It is used to regulate illumination in buildings, to control the heat during day time and also for providing an aesthetic look to the designs. Needless to say, all these purposes of common glass are served more effectively if reflective glass is used in building design. This is the reason why reflective glass is gradually replacing common glass in the construction industry. In fact, several leading construction companies have already made it a point to use reflective glass for all purposes. Now, if you are wondering what is so special about reflective glass, you should go through the following advantages offered by this innovative product.

  • Reflective glass controls glare

Reflective glass is much better than common glass in controlling the glare of the Sun. Some variants of reflective glass are so effective in filtering out sun glare that the buildings do not require blinds or curtains. Since glare gets effectively filtered by reflective glass, it also serves the purpose of keeping the interiors of the buildings cool during summer. This is the reason why reflective glass is extensively used in the construction of hotels, resorts and luxury apartments.

  • Reflective glass provides color flexibility

Reflective glass can easily be tinted with different color without altering the transparency of the material. This is not possible with common glass. When common glass is painted or coated, it mostly becomes translucent or opaque. This is never the case with reflective glass. In fact, different colored reflective glasses look extremely beautiful and increases the appeal of the building they are installed upon.

  • Reflective glass provides privacy to interiors

Reflective glass has this amazing capability of allowing the people inside the room to enjoy the view outside and completely cut off the view of the inside if you are standing outside the room. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most sought-after properties of reflective glass and also the primary reason why the product gained so much popularity in last few years. This is also the reason why reflective glass has found its place in the automobile industry.

  • Reflective glass makes building look attractive

Glass buildings are considered the heroes of skyline of any city. No doubt, a street full of glass buildings is always considered a posh locality by every city dealer. The view of such a skyline is further enhanced with the use of reflective glass. The specialty of reflective glass with respect to appearance is that they look different during different times of the day.

  • Reflective glass witnesses price decline

It is true that reflective glass is more expensive compared to normal glass. However, the price difference is rapidly shrinking with more and more sales of reflective glass making it accessible.