To be sincere, I'm feeling like I was not paying attention to the instructions somewhere regarding how and when the best place to put on concealer is. It took me a long time for me to understand that one must apply your concealer over foundation and applying it by dabbing it into your skin is the key to flawless coverage that isn't caked. This is why I've made it my personal goal to find the best shopaarel concealer palette price, tips or trick and then reveal it to the world. You're in, right?
Continue reading for the ultimate solution to applying concealer correctly as well as a few subtle tips that will completely change how you use your concealer to perfection.
Find the perfect concealer to match your skin type
Before you begin concealing something be sure to use an ingredient that meets all your requirements just like when you find the best kajal for eyes. Do you need something light and hydrating? Do you require a product that lasts for a long time and has a full-coverage? There are about 8 billion concealers available currently, so you can play with a couple of formulas until you discover one that matches your style. So, you can hop onto the internet and look for shopaarel concealer palette prices and find the one which matches your needs.
Prep your skin before concealer
This is a subject of discussion, but unless you're looking for a soft style, with no makeup it's recommended applying your concealer just after the foundation. If you apply your concealer first you'll end up getting rid of a lot of it as you apply the foundation or powder. If you begin by applying primer (and primer!) but, you'll need less concealer and will get more of a full-coverage look. It's almost as if you're applying it over the base.
Apply your concealer for under eyes in an arc
Although you may be tempted to apply your concealer right over your under-eye circles or bags, do not--it will only emphasise puffiness. Instead, apply your concealer upside-down in a triangular shape to brighten your face, and lessen the impact of any imperfections.
It's the time to apply the concealer onto the skin using your finger that is ring. This may sound a bit old-fashioned but it's true. The ring finger is the weakest of your fingers, therefore it'll put just the right level of pressure for you to mix the concealer without pulling on the delicate skin around your eyes. Once it is done, now use your best kajal for eyes for finishing.
Make sure you have your concealer set with powder
It's possible that this is the most important thing to do. It's not worth taking enough time applying your makeup flawlessly but if you're not setting your makeup by applying powder. Sprinkle a small amount of setting powder all over your face to ensure that your concealer stays in place and free of wrinkles.
These are the best ways to apply concealer and make yourself look more beautiful. We hope you will find this information useful