Modernization is the desire to stay relevant and develop. Application modernization allows the enterprise to stay relevant and grow. Organizations around the world need help to achieve digital transformation. How good for business?
Application modernization, or updating legacy software for newer computing methods, can extend an organization's application lifecycle while leveraging technological innovation. It's like renovating an old house to improve efficiency, safety, structural integrity, etc. The help of AI and the right AI Services provider are the two crucial factors for effective and efficient app modernization.
Digital transformation has worried most business owners considering digital transformation. Are you? This article explains why and how to avoid application upgrade mistakes.
Do your business need application modernization? If so, why?
Why Your Business Needs Application Modernization
In addition to what we discussed earlier, application modernization integrates new capabilities to keep up with the latest business requirements. However, many business leaders wonder if their organizations need application modernization. Here is a list of specific reasons for your consideration:
It allows you to create new features and services that meet current business needs and goals. Plus, you can customize these features to ensure long-term value creation.
Training old and new employees are made easier as application modernization automates tedious and repetitive processes.
Application modernization helps you take advantage of the cloud environment to provide fast and efficient customer service. Cloud applications offer best-in-class security features compared to legacy applications.
Application upgrades allow you to add newer features, services, and functionality. These, in turn, improve customer satisfaction, increasing revenue.
So why do app upgrades sometimes backfire? How to ensure the success of your project?
Why Some Application Modernization Projects Fail
If an application modernization project fails, it can cause serious problems for your business, including wasted resources and time. Failure to modernize applications can hinder agility and prevent your business from taking advantage of modern technology. Notably, 79% of application modernization projects still need improvement. Why? Surprisingly, the failures have not been caused by new systems, methods, or upgraded suppliers. The reasons are much deeper. Here are the top 5 reasons why application modernization projects fail:
1. Ignoring business processes
Modernization efforts only succeed when business processes are good. Companies must first understand what is holding them back. Identifying the problem is the real foundation for successful application modernization.
2. Implement new systems without considering drastic business changes
If a brand new system is introduced without any drastic business changes in mind, employees will be forced to adapt quickly. Additionally, this practice forces the company to evolve to accommodate the new software. Instead, software must adapt to current business processes and requirements.
3. Companies mistakenly believe they are ready for a complete transformation
Most companies think they are ready to replace the old systems with new ones and that the business will run better. Now that's a huge mistake. A complete replacement of all systems can shock your business and employees. It may even change the way customers interact with businesses. A better approach is to upgrade in calculated steps.
4. Lack of agile software implementation
The pandemic has helped us realize that agile is king. If you want to be future-ready, replace rigid and flexible applications. Adopting inflexible applications can have devastating consequences for your business.
5. Lack of consultation with end users
Modernization projects that do not involve IT and end users fail because they need to consider how the new solution meets business needs.
Easy Tips For A Successful Journey In The App Modernization Project
Every company embarking on a modernization journey faces many challenges. The success of your app modernization efforts comes down to two key components: your IT team and your employees. As teams navigate this journey, use these secrets to avoid failure and ensure success.
1. Create a cross-functional team
When selecting a team or developing an innovation group, build a cross-functional team that can focus on developing the culture, process, and tools needed to improve the modernization process.
2. Toss it away, sort it and commit to it
An effective business principle is to welcome and organize all ideas, but once a decision is made, you must commit to it and execute it above all else. This ensures the progress of the project.
3. Map your development workflow
Mapping out a development workflow can help you when you encounter complexities in your project. It helps you look at each tool in use and identify dependencies.
4. Set milestones
Projects can change. Setting small modernization goals allows you to adjust your long-term plans and reduce technical risks. Focus on many small steps when planning a big goal. This ensures a smooth progression from one stage to the next.
5. Organize data into categories
When you prioritize data into high, medium, or low categories, you can decide which protections apply to each category.
6. Don't sew a new fabric on an old coat
Take a close look at your development workflow and identify habits that could derail your application modernization process. Remember that these issues can break new tools, so don't fix them, fix them. Don't just fix old problems with a new tool.
Wrapping Up
Several aspects can play a role in successful modernization. Your team may need help to develop the knowledge they need to work on new tools. Keeping them up to date with new tools and training them to navigate new workflows can ensure successful application modernization. That's why modernization efforts are so challenging. However, implementing the above secrets can contribute to the success of your app modernization efforts.