Feline Leukemia 101
FeLV makes your cat’s immune system very susceptible to other infections, which is usually what causes the symptoms described above.

Feline Leukemia 101

Feline leukemia isn’t quite the same as the human version, although it does involve the bone marrow. Feline leukemia, or FeLV, is an incurable and serious viral disease. Luckily, it can be safely managed. Learn more here from a vet London ON.

Symptoms of Leukemia

If a cat contracts leukemia, it’ll go through three stages of the disease. Stage one is usually entirely asymptomatic. In stage two, the bone marrow becomes infected. In stage three, symptoms appear. They include things like lethargy, loss of appetite, poor coat quality, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, anemia, and more.

How to Manage Leukemia

FeLV makes your cat’s immune system very susceptible to other infections, which is usually what causes the symptoms described above.FeLV-positive cats must be kept indoors, and regular checkups and vaccination appointments will be essential. Depending on your cat’s symptoms, antiviral drugs or immunomodulators might be prescribed.

Preventing Leukemia

Fortunately, most cats receive the FeLV vaccination when they're young; it’s recommended for most cats. Talk to your vet if you’re unsure whether or not your pet received this essential vaccine.

Want to learn more about feline leukemia and the way it affects cats? Call your veterinarian London, ON.