Top 6 Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tubes | Dr Banker
Fallopian tubal blockage is one of the most common causes for infertility. Click to learn about the symptoms & causes of blocked fallopian tubes.

Top 6 Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tubes | Dr Banker

Fallopian tubal blockage is one of the most common causes for infertility. Click to learn about the symptoms & causes of blocked fallopian tubes.

Main Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

One of the most common causes of infertility today is blocked fallopian tubes. The medical term for tubal blockage is known as tubal occlusion. Even though it is a common disorder, there is a lack of awareness on the causes of blocked fallopian tubes, and their symptoms as many times its associated symptoms are absent. In the blog by Dr. Manish Banker, Ahmedabad, let us understand all the important aspects of tubal blockage such as the causes of blocked fallopian tubes, tube blockage symptoms, risk factors, treatments, and more.
What are fallopian tubes?
Before learning the signs and causes of blocked fallopian tubes, let us first understand the purpose of a fallopian tube. Fallopian tubes are tubes that are muscular in nature and are lined with structures that resemble hair. These structures help the egg travel from the ovaries to the womb as they move in both directions. They are also vital organs during intercourse as they help sperm travel up to the womb. Fallopian tubes are extremely important during the process of conception as eggs ideally fertilize in that area. Therefore, damage to the fallopian tubes can cause scarring that can invariably lead to tubal blockage.
What is the connection between fertility and fallopian tubes?
As mentioned above blocked fallopian tubes can prevent fertilization. Fallopian tubes form the sole passageway for the egg and sperm to meet. . Therefore, tubal blockage can obstruct this process. When there is a blockage in the tubes, one can only conceive a baby with proper medical attention and treatment. If these tubes are not wholly but partially blocked then there is still a possibility for conception. Moreover, the chance of having an ectopic pregnancy increases during partial tubal blockage. Ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg grows outside the uterus. If blockage is found but only in one tube, then the chances of it affecting pregnancy are low as the egg and sperm can travel through the healthy fallopian tube.
What are some symptoms of a blocked fallopian tube?
A common tube blockage symptom that women may experience is pain in the belly or the pelvic area. Women may also experience this pain often during their period. In some cases, blocked fallopian tubes can lead to ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies are mostly detected through a scan as one may not necessarily experience unusual symptoms. The symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are usually similar to a normal pregnancy. Women may commonly experience stomach pain on either side, bleeding, fatigue etc. tube blockage symptoms may include:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Severe pain during intercourse
  • Stomach pain
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Heavy periods or spotting between cycles
  • Exhaustion or tiredness
  • Pain during urination

Now that we have understood the symptoms of a blocked fallopian tube, let us understand the causes of blocked fallopian tubes.