Why are vending machines everywhere in Japan?
Vending machines are common in Japan, and for good reason. They're convenient, cheap, and always have the newest dishes and drinks. Some even consider themselves to be a part of the culture! We'll look at why Japan is infatuated with vending machines and how you can start using them in your own business in this post

The History of Vending Machines

Japan is well-known for its vending machines, which can be found practically anywhere. Vending machines were invented in Japan in the 1920s. They were viewed at the time as a strategy to boost sales at convenience stores. Vending machines have now become an integral aspect of Japanese culture and society.

Vending machines can be found in a variety of settings, including schools, hospitals wherein Medical Supplies Vending Machine can be seen, corporate buildings, and even residences. They are frequently used to offer food, beverages, and snacks. Vending machines are also popular among Japanese tourists.

The Chocolate Machine and the Hello Kitty Vending Machine are two of the most well-known Japanese vending machines.

The Types of Vending Machines

Vending machines are available in a variety of designs and sizes in Japan. The convenience store machine, the Lawson machine, and the Maria chain machine are three of the most frequent varieties. Here's a breakdown of each type:


Convenience store vending machines: or Micro Market Vending Machine are the most frequent form of vending machine in Japan. They're usually near the store's door, and they sell food, drinks, and smokes.


Lawson machines: Lawson machines are a type of convenience shop machine that are common in airports and train stations. They sell a variety of goods, such as food, drinks, and phone cards. This machines includes Healthy Food Vending Machine, Food Vending Machine,  Coffee Vending Machine, Snack&Drink Vending Machine and Ice Cream Vending Machine.

Maria chain machines are a version on the Lawson machine, which is ubiquitous in Japanese retail centers. They typically sell snacks, drinks, cosmetics, and clothing.


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How to Use a Vending Machine?

You're never far from a vending machine in Japan. These omnipresent machines sell anything from cigarettes to ramen noodles and may be found at any corner store, train station, or airport. So, how do you put one to use? Here's a starting point.


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It's difficult to avoid vending machines in Japan, but there are a few reasons behind this. For one thing, they're convenient - you can get a snack or a drink without even leaving your office or home through Snack&Drink Vending Machine. Second, vending machine foods and drinks are typically fewer in calories and sugar than comparable goods found at a convenience shop. So, if you want to save calories while still indulging in some sweet delights, a vending machine is probably your best bet.