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What Are the Most Common Summer Air Conditioning Problems in Toledo?

As the temperature continues to warm up outside, it appears thatToledo could be going for record heatwaves this year. Therefore, you need tomake sure that your Toledoair conditioning system works reliably. Unfortunately, there area lot of air conditioning problems that developed during the summer. What are afew of the most common air conditioning problems local individuals and familiesexperience? Take a look at the list below.

Issues with the Filters

The more you use your air conditioning system, the more quicklyyour air filters are going to get clogged. If you run your air conditionerconsistently during the summer, your air filters will get dirty faster. Youneed to get your air conditioning system inspected at least once per year. Thatway, you know if there are problems with the filters that have to be addressed.It is important to inspect your filters before the summer season so you canreplace them if necessary. If your air conditioner is not working correctly,there could be a problem with the filters that must be addressed.

Capacitors that Give Out

One of the most common problems with air-conditioning systemsduring the summer is the capacitors. The capacitor is responsible for helpingthe motor start and run consistently during the summer. If you feel like yourfan motor is struggling to cool your home, there could be an issue with thecapacitor. It is essential to reach out to a professional to get the capacitorinspected. There could be situations where the capacitor has to be replaced.The sooner this problem is detected, the faster you can have cool air onceagain.


Low Refrigerant Levels

Your refrigerant plays a significant role in keeping your airconditioner running properly. Sometimes, the refrigerant level gets low and hasto be refilled. And other situations, there could be a refrigerant leak thatcauses your air conditioner to blow out room-temperature air instead of coolair. If your refrigerant level requires multiple changes throughout the year, youshould call a professional to inspect your air conditioner. If you do notaddress these leaks quickly, they will only get bigger, leading to a moreexpensive repair bill. Make sure to get your air conditioner inspected toidentify any refrigerant leaks. And, if your air conditioner is blowing outroom temperature air, it may be time to refill the refrigerant.

AC Coils That Get Dirty

When your system runs constantly, the exterior coils in your airconditioner can get dirty as well. These coils are vital because they help yourair conditioner swap out hot air for cool air. Dust, debris, and dirt can buildup on your air conditioner coils over time. Some units are more difficult toclean than others, so you should always rely on professionals who understand howto clean your air conditioner coils safely. Get your coils inspected to makesure they are clean.

Contact Blueflame Service Company for All HVACNeeds in Toledo

If you need help with your air conditioner, then you should relyon professional Toledo HVAC companies. If you are looking for air conditioningrepair Toledo services, we are here to help you. We are Blueflame ServiceCompany, and we are a Toledo air conditioning company. We havethe experience necessary to take care of your air conditioner. If your airconditioner needs to be repaired, it would be our pleasure to assist you. Contact us today to learn more about how we canhelp you! Make sure you stay cool in Toledo this summer.

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