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Struggling To Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh? Check Out These Odor-Eliminating Tips

We'veall been there: you walk into your home at the end of a long day, and you smellsomething unpleasant. It creates a less-than-relaxing end to the day.

It canbe tempting to cover up offending odors with air fresheners and scentedcandles, but this doesn't solve the root of the problem. Thankfully, there areways to get odors out of your home — for good.

1. Harness the power of white vinegar.

Whitevinegar is a cleaning powerhouse, and itcan go a long way when it comes to eliminating odors in your home. If you findthat you're hit with a musty scent when you open up closets or drawers, tryballing up some old newspaper, sprinkling with white vinegar, and tucking itaway in an unused corner. After a few days, you'll find that the bad smell hasdisappeared.

Ifyou're dealing with unpleasant odors in a larger area (such as a bedroom), tryputting some white vinegar in a covered container (such as an old, cleantakeout container. Poke holes in the lid of the container and place thecontainer in an unused corner of the room. You'll find that the offending smelldissipates after a few days.


2. Tear into a box of baking soda.

Dealingwith odors in your trash can or fridge? Food spills are unavoidable, but theycan get stinky — fast. After cleaning up the offending spill, baking soda caneliminate lingering odors. In the fridge, simply place an open box of bakingsoda in a corner. In a plastic trash can, sprinkle some baking soda in thebottom of the can before you put a new bag in place. For a metal trash can, usea paper coffee filter and a rubber band to create a baking soda sachet that cansit in the bottom of the can and absorb odors.

3. Use a professional upholstery and carpetcleaning service.

It'snormal for pet odors, food odors, and other smells to accumulate in softsurfaces (like carpets, couches, and chairs) over time. These areas can betough to clean on your own. Utilizing a professional carpet and upholsterycleaning service can safely and effectively remove odors.

If your home is smelling funky, we're here tohelp — no judgment.

It'snormal to feel embarrassed if you're dealing with unpleasant odors in yourhome, but a less-than-fresh smelling interior is a common problem. At SteamEx Toledo,we've seen it all — and we're here to help. Reach out to us today for all your carpet and upholstery cleaningneeds. Together, we'll create a fresh scent inside your home, leaving you witha sense of calm the moment you open the door at the end of a busy day.

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