Auto Accident Injuries and Physical Therapy
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Healing from auto accident injuries can take a significant amount of time. When you have injuries to your muscles and soft tissue, physical therapy can make it easier for your body to heal. Physical therapy can be used for back pain, headaches, shoulder pain, whiplash, and other injuries that are common after an auto accident. Healing can be done using a range of treatment modalities, and physical therapy in Lambertville can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments.

Your Auto Accident Injuries

Here at PT Link Physical Therapy, you will meet with a physical therapist to talk about your auto accident and the injuries you sustained. You will go through a complete medical evaluation to determine what could be causing your pain and stiffness. If you have any imaging that was done prior to your visit, you can bring this with you to your initial evaluation. You will discuss the extent of your injuries, and an evaluation will be done to measure range of motion, pain, and overall mobility.


Physical Therapy in Bowling Green

Physical therapy after an auto accident will focus on areas where you have pain, and at reducing inflammation in the beginning. If you have whiplash, you aren't going to be doing heavy strengthening exercises immediately. You may be taught stretching techniques to improve range of motion, and receive ultrasound, hot or cold therapy, and other manual treatment to help you heal. The process of recovery is going to take time after an auto accident, especially if your injuries are significant.

Common Auto Accident Injuries Treated With Physical Therapy

Low back pain, neck pain, whiplash, and other soft tissue injuries are often seen after an auto accident. When you work with a physical therapist here at PT Link Physical Therapy, we will talk to you about your injuries and your treatment options. You may discover that you feel much better after a week or two of treatment, or that some symptoms get worse because you are trying too hard with your exercises. Treatment starts with discovering what is wrong, and supporting your soft tissue as it heals.

When to Seek Physical Therapy for Auto Accident Injuries

You can go to physical therapy in Fairborn or Bowling Green when you want help healing from your auto accident injuries. It is possible to see other types of treatment providers, as physical therapy is an excellent complementary therapy. Talk to your primary care provider about your physical therapy options when you are looking for a way to improve your healing through natural means.

Physical therapy gives your body the help it needs to heal after an auto accident. Through guided stretches, strengthening exercises and soft tissue work, you will begin to see your body get stronger with physical therapy. You will be able to gain back function, and lessen the severity of your symptoms when you follow your physical therapy treatment plan. You can heal from your injuries when you take your physical therapy seriously. Learn from your physical therapist, and focus on strengthening your body one day at a time.

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